Behind the Studio Door: Meet the Artist

Myiesha Douglas has been a licensed professional since 2006. Her journey began as a receptionist, sparking her interest in the field and leading her to an apprenticeship. This period of hands-on training sharpened her talents and deepened her understanding of customer relations, fostering the development of techniques that are both passionate and purposeful.

Myiesha recognized the common misconception of textured hair as "bad hair" and set out to change that narrative. With years of dedicated training and personal effort, she was an early adopter of "natural hair transitioning" long before it became a mainstream movement. Recognizing the strength, resilience, and versatility of textured hair, she has been dedicated to providing insights and guidance to enhance the understanding and appreciation of textured tresses.

Now a specialist, Myiesha is passionate and prepared to care for every patron who sits in her chair. Love is in hair!